Hear from our volunteers

Voices of WLD



Volunteer, Foundation Class East 2023

It's a place where no one judges you. It's a clean slate. Everything you do is appreciated since this is not your full-time job. I had to manage the East Foundation class, which involves a lot of coordination, convincing, articulation, patience, planning, and feedback management. I have become better in these skills today, and I met a lot of friends, learned how skilled they are, and saw how magic happens when individuals come together and perform as a team. I gained the friendship and trust of the uncles and aunties. Their reasons for continuing to learn at their ages were quite inspirational. We and the participants were thankful and expressed our gratitude at the end of our program. I'm humble and happy in my day-to-day life as I don't have to struggle with basic fundamentals as many in the class do. I also learned as our seniors did.



Volunteer, Foundation Class West 2023

It is my first time embarking on a volunteering journey at Foundation Class, a workshop organized by Work Live Digital for seniors to learn basic computing skills and navigate the world of computers. I would describe this experience as fulfilling and meaningful, teaching me more about patience, compassion, and support. As a facilitator, I initially thought my role was to simply assist and teach seniors basic technical skills, but it was far beyond that. Creating a supportive and inclusive learning environment was crucial for their learning, as they have different learning styles and learn at different paces. Building trust was equally important for seniors to feel comfortable raising questions. It was inspiring to see their enthusiasm and determination to learn. Even though it was a short volunteering experience, I am glad I had the opportunity to use my skills and knowledge to support and guide the seniors as they navigate this digital world. I would like to show my appreciation to the other organizers, trainers, and facilitators for making this a wonderful session.



Volunteer, Foundation Class West 2022

As someone with a tech background, I have always wanted to put my skills to good use. Volunteering with Work Live Digital seemed like a meaningful way to do so. Many of these young seniors need help not because they are bad with technology, but because they did not grow up in a tech-rich environment as we did. I really enjoyed my volunteering experience; through interactions with the young seniors, I could see how proactive they are. It made me realise how something simple or small to us can be something new to them, and a little effort in teaching goes a long way in sparking their passion for furthering their computer skills. I was glad to be able to share meaningful knowledge with them, helping them pick up essential skills in the digital era.